Tuesday, 21 June 2011


The summer is coming fast.

In fact it is here - Happy Summer Solstice!

We hit the water park last week. I wore pants and a hoodie. 
Hoping to dust off the shorts sometime in the next few weeks. 

We made a "Summer Fun List 2011" the other night.

We generated a list of things that we all wanted to do this summer before school stared in September. I had seen it done on so many other blogs I was inspired to make our own.

We used the chalk board. (That way we would look at it everyday and be reminded).

Little E's are in Green, Mr.Man's are in Yellow and mine are in Pink.

Lots of colourful chalk makes it look more fun right? Little E wants to check things off when we have done them. Like his chore chart...that is going very well I might add.

Today we got a call from Grandpa.

We all hopped in the car and went for some lunch in Fort Langley.

But really the best part was after lunch. Right Grandpa and Little E?

Even Avery got in on the action. Limoncello seems to be her favourite. 
Mine too.

Then we trekked waaaaay across town to White Rock Beach. I prefer Crescent as the beach goes on and out for miles and it appears a little cleaner than White Rock...but it was SUCH a beautiful day it didn't really matter. Plus the tide was out.

Baby A was in heaven.

She just charged right in. 
Face first and sand everywhere. 

It was totally awesome.

Yes...sand was eaten. 

Little E had a blast too.

We all got splashed.

Baby A could have stayed in there all day.

We left at 4:30 and I thought for sure they would crash in the car.




We came home to homemade turkey spaghetti (thank-you Mr.Man) and a glass of wine. Well...I did anyway. Avery wolfed hers down (two helpings) and little E gobbled his up to...that was a bad pun... poor taste.

Made some funny faces with Little E...

Then we got a good one...

Ahhh....I love you summer. 

I really really do. 



  1. Love the 'summer fun' chalk board...great idea...must get mine up!! I love that Avery is all about getting down and dirty!!!!

  2. Love the pics. Looks like it was a fun day. Wish I was there. Next time
