Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Rainy and Random

I should be practicing my typing, but I am not.
I guess I sort of am...but not really.
I still poke and look rather than float and execute precision. Me and Mavis will meet soon...


Nevermind! Life is good!

Except...someone has a cold and is teething.
And...she is starting to talk like crazy. 

I love how she says her brothers name...
I smile every time. 
So does Mr.Man.

She is growing up. 

Like the messes around the house.

It was toy clean out aka "mommy wants to organize" this Sunday at our house.

A toy infestation was talking over so it was time to cleanse and purge.

Each time there is less and less whining and complaining from Little E. 
We donate the toys to the VV Boutique and broken toys are recycled if possible. 
The recycling system in our city os AWESOME. They take all sorts of things. 

Except laundry. I seem to have piles and piles to fold. 

Mountains of dishes to scrub. 

I made lunch though! 

Wanted to be in my jammies like the three bears here. 

Little E loves to play with this puzzle still. 
Mix and match their clothes...he tells a little story of where they are going. 
He likes to give them mad faces, sad faces, happy faces and sleepy faces. 
I think they are happy today to be in there PJ's and not cleaning. 

Right Slinky Dog?

After some cleaning and folding we all got cleaned up and ready for a birthday party. 
Mr. Man caught these two on the couch...

Having fun...

My Little E...getting so big. 

Mr. Man and Baby A. 
Mr. Man has that hurry up Erin we are going to be late look in his eyes...

Little E got his face painted at the party. 
It was at the local community centre. Awesome idea. The kids loved it.

Bouncy Castle and all...who wouldn't? 

Up and down...up and down...up and down...

There were toys for all ages...parents could relax...well...for a moment anyway.

We drove all the way home (back to the burbs) and the kids slept in the car. 
Of course we didn't pack jammies.

The next day was a ProD day so...we went to the Aquarium!! 
We hadn't been there since the summer. 

It is little E's favourite place. 
Baby A was so funny this time. So much more engaged.  
She was "wow"ing everything and pointing and was great.

They are redoing the entrance so the whole place was moved around...

This was a cool new exibit. Or at least it looked new to me. 

Little E thought so too...

I took her out of the stroller so she could roam free in the amazon...she LOVED it. 
Stood there for about 10 min pointing and squatting...ohhhing and awwwing. (are those words?)

We had a great time and the drive home was uneventful. 
The sun was blazing and they were quiet. I had a coffee and my sunglasses.
All was well. 

Now...if it would only stop raining so I could go for a run. 
Guess I should be happy it is not snowing. 



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