I repeat...
The sun is out!
And it has been out all day. Word.
And it has been out all day. Word.
I am imagining myself on a patio someplace...near the water... at LIFT ! Yes at Lift having appies and drinks with Mr.Man after work. We are discussing the future and making plans. BIG plans.
And I would totally be rocking this look.

And I would totally be rocking this look.
Lets tak about gold. Particularly the gold watch. I am loving gold. Is it odvious? It reminds me of the sun. Glistining and warm. Gold. Work it. Love it. Get some.
Do you see those Ray Bans too...I love them. Need I say more? They are my favourite and now...drum roll please...they are mine!!
Yes I splurged and bought them (much to Mr. Mans dismay and head shaking). I took the plunge and did it and I am so happy. So is Mr. Man. Right honey?
They are the perfect driving glasses as they are AWESOME on a "squinty" day. You know the day...not sunny but very bright. Too bright to just pull down the visor and go, but to dark to put on the "dark" sunglasses. Perfection.
I digress...loving the white skinnies too. I would have to make sure that the kids don't put their PB&J fingers on me though when I wore them.
Mr.Man would wear this.
He likes it.
Said he wasn't sure about the sweater. I asked about the chiselled tight t-shirt.
He said he liked the colour. Me too.
It was strange putting a look together for him. Kinda boring.No bling. He does like to dress all fancy...but he usually wears worky work clothes. Like dress shirts and slacks. I mean pants. Dress pants that when not being worn hang upside down on padded wooden hangers in the closet.
I call them his fancy pants.
He said the shoes were okay too.
It really doesn't matter...I would just love to hold hands across the table and relish in the "us"-ness. Talk about life and passions, goals and dreams. Sip wine and not have a care in the world (except please don't spill on my white jeans and how the hell are we going to get home).
But...alas...I am at work. I am here until it is dark and the sun has faded into the night sky. One can dream though..can't they?
I love your outfit!!!! I am loving gold too but it seems like a big commitment to go out and purchase gold, earrings, bracelets, necklace....I have a hard time mixing the metals...having the platinum rings throws me. But I do love the warmth of gold, I agree. The white skinnies are to die for and I searched Palm Springs high and low for some, but alas nothin' Seattle, I hear you calling!!!!!!!!