Monday, 9 May 2011

Mothers Day Wrap

What a wonderful Mothers Day weekend. I was spoiled. I was woo'ed and bedazzled.

Okay...maybe not bedazzled.

But I was woo'ed.

Is that a word?

Spent the WHOLE weekend with these two crazy kids and Mr.Man.
(Yes, the Birthday Decorations are still up)
I am lazy, buzy, and a wee bit nostalgic.

We had some fun

Avery did to...

discovering new places

We admired our basil grow-op

Noted how tall the tomato plants were getting

Went grocery shopping...
I love it when the fridge is full and the fruit bowl is overflowing with goodness.

Bought some seeds...

I want to experiment this summer with growing vegetables. Gonna give it the old college try. Has anyone ever tried growing carrots from seed? Don't be afraid to post...tell me how it went. I am thinking it can't be too difficult.

When the wee one was in bed and Easton was watching Monsters Inc. for the 100000000000 time...I decided to do some baking. My stove was too clean and I was dying to mix and sift. I hadn't done any baking since I was back to work so I decided that it was time to jump back in. 
What to make though?

Then these candied ginger pieces called to me at the grocery store. 
I obliged their calls and brought them home. 
I am sure glad I did.

I finally got to make these Chewy Molasses Cookies I had wanted to make since Christmas

Mmmm...molasses. You either love it or hate it. 
I like. 

What do you think this is? Hmmm??

I think my favourite part of making this cookie was rolling the dough in sugar part.


They looked so yummy

Ready to be baked and then devoured. 

Oh ya...yummy. Very yummy. Little E LOVES them. 
I love them too. 

I hate this part. 


So I decided to keep baking! 

Ding ding...

Pumpkin loaf!

Mix all the dry together

Get flour on your pants and floor
(but you are having FUN!)

Mix, mix, mix...

Voila...about 45 min later...

Warm, moist, decadent Pumpkin loaf. 
I made 2. 
Took one to my sisters to have after the "game". 
The good old Hockey game...

I am trying to get into it and support the 'nucks...

Baby A thought that some beer would help as the Canucks were loosing...
(Don't call child was empty)

Even Macayla tried her best to get into the game...but alas we fell. 
I am on the wagon. 
Not at the front...but I have officially boarded the train. 

Woke up Mothers Day morning to Coffee in bed, a homemade card and lots of snuggles from the kiddies. Mr. Man made us homemade Crepes with a Raspberry collier (sp?) and fresh whip cream.


They didn't last long

Miss Picky pants took a good 10 min to try them...
then she gobbled them up. 

After breakfast we went to the pool for a swim and came home for lunch. Went all outside after Avery woke up from her nap and Mr.Man cut the grass...I planted some seedlings that were growing out of control and the kids got upto no good...

"Mom...can we borrow the Car?"
"Beep Beep"

Like I said no good.
Especially this one. 
I am still finding sand. 
Apparently she loves to garden.

Easton found a wood bug that he carried around in this plastic Ikea bowl until it could no longer take the over handling and just gave up. 
On life. 

Poor bug...
I tried to save him, but Easton was having none of it.
He carried that thing around for about an hour.

He even named it. 
 Can't recall the name...Olly or something. 

Back inside for a quick snack...that plate lasted about 30 seconds by the way then it was on the floor

I read over the card Easton made me at school again with him...

Oh ya...and I made this Angel Food Cake. 


I had this box and I thought I would make it so I did. First ever from a box Angel Food Cake. 
10/10 on the easy scale. 
I usually just buy them. 
This was just as easy. 
And fun. 

Dinner was Sea Food Risotto. 

-I am sure Mr.Man has some fancier name for it...but he is not here right now-

Mr.Mans creation. Scallops, prawns, muscles, snapper, Portobello mushroom, Italian sausage  and asparagus and vino. 

And MOM...Mr. Mans Momma. 

The cake was cut and served...all fluffy and sugary

Berries and whip cream. 
Mr.Man squeezed orange juice over the berries. Try it. 
It made them sing.  

After several cups of coffee, yawns, book reading attempts and embarrassing nodding off...I decided to call this Mothers Day thing and hit the sac. 

After catching a few min of Sleeping with the Enemy...remember that one with Juila Roberts? know the one. Thank-fully I only wasted 20 min of my life...AGAIN. 

All in all it was a fantastic day and weekend! Mr. Man insured that I was feeling extra special (cause he always makes me feel special). 

Thank-you also to all the Mothers out there...old and young...especially my Mommas...for your relentless love, caring, giving, sharing, teaching, sound boarding, propping up and hugging. 

Until next year...


1 comment:

  1. Carrot tips (A Year On the Garden Path),
    As the seedlings establish, feed them weekly with fish fertilizer.
    Not thinning the carrots avoids an attack from the carrot rust fly.
    My favourite, mulch carrot patch with coffee grounds. The smell confuses the female carrot rust fly and stops her from laying her eggs.
