Monday, 28 March 2011

Spring Break - Playing with Scissors

So remember my post about wanting to change my hair? was a post way back and you can read about it HERE if you are really interested.

So I decided that I wanted to go short. But NOT uber short like this...

{I wish I could pull this look off. And the body}

After much debate worrying and fretting and looking and wondering and nail biting...I went under the scissors. 

Wait. Did I mention that I was kid free at the Salon and that I had a coffee, got to read Marie Claire and get a scalp massage? 

Did I mention that my AMAZING step momma did it for me? Cause she loves me. That's why. 

Did I mention that she is a colour goddess? A colour wizard? She has a magic wand and it just waves colour. She is amazing. I call her...Victoria Scissorhands.  

And my hair is tough to do. Like I am talking HELL hair. Thick is an understatement. It has a personality all of its own.     

This look is on a good day (no that is not me). This below is more me..

Okay...kidding...but isn't he cute! 

Seriously people...I have BIG hair. 

A lot of big hair. 

Victoria Scissorhands has been doing my hair since I was a wee baby and every time she takes a deep breath, perks herself up and says..."Lets Do It," or "you don't have this hair Erin," or else it is, "You won't like this - trust me." That is the best part...I trust her. 


No matter what I come in with... I always come out happy. Pleased. Refreshed. Zestful. 

And VS has given me pretty-much every hair cut in the book. 

Bowl, mushroom, bob, reverse bob, inverted bob, shag, perm, straightened, layered, name it, I have had it. 

From her. 
She indulges my every hair experiment, desire and whim.

Even when I begged to go dark.

Never again people. Please don't let me. It was fun for awhile...but I think I am a blonde thru and thru.  

So when I drove up...Tazo Lemonade energy drink in hand for her, armed with a picture and a dream for me...I waited. 

She sat down and looked at the photo...

She turned it sideways...over...upside down (okay not really) then deconstructed it and told me yes.

I started to get excited. Then she told me that it was going to be 3 hair cuts in one. 

Cause I have big ass hair. Deep Woods hair. Get lost in the rain forest hair. I am use to it. She gets all the other stylists to come over and feel it. Just touch it she says and they touch it and a look of empathy comes over their face. For VS cause she has to cut it. Her assistant now runs to the back when I walk in tossing my hair from side to side. 

I digress...

3 cuts in one! Good thing we are family or I would have to take out a loan to pay for my hair. Or just cut it off real sort for good. 

Well, God Bless her I say. And her Mad Skills!

So here is the before....

Cute...maybe. It was FUZZ city though people.

And then the after...

{I look scary here. Am I scary?} 

Not a HUGE change but she took like...10 inches off the back! Okay...6.


We still need to refine it...finish taming the beast so to speak. I had to run out to collect the kids so I left with my hair half wet and a wee bit frazzled. I strightned it the other day and liked it too...but dare I say I like it curly more? 

Yes those are natural curls...I inherited extra after I had baby A. It was like I stuck my finger in a light socket. 

The curls just showed up one day after drinking a vat of red bull. 

Hello Erin's hair. We are curly. Extra Curly and really really curly. 

We are here to stay. 


So I try to work it. I need some good product. I am liking the Moroccan Oil.  Tames the nasties a wee bit. Still playing. 

Man I have a LOT of hair. 

Volume some say to be nice. 

It's loud. I know.  

But, I seem to be able to look at it and like what I see. 

I also see that there are NO...I mean absolutely NO pictures of me with my hair down in all the ga-jillion photos I have stored on my computer of the past 5 years (all on back-up of course thanks to Mr.Man). 

Well...hardly any of me at all for that matter. I need to get on that. Stat. 

Maybe you'll be seeing a lot more of me on this thing

...maybe not. 

What about you? Do you see yourself in your pictures? Or are you always hiding behind the lens? 



  1. I love it. I love the curls too - Amazing that you didn't have them before Avery and now you do. Avery seems like a magic baby - she's brought you curls and the magic cure for weight loss.

    Do you loan her out? I need a bit more volume in my hair and a little less on my hips.

  2. Nice!!!
    Wish I had the guts to cut my hair.
    Last time I did it looked like a lamp shade!!!


  3. Beauty E! You look fantastic! I need a good haircut soon, a little pick-me-up!

  4. Looks very cute! With your glasses on I think you look a lot like your mom. :) Cat
