Monday, 11 April 2011

Long Overdue...

Warning! No pictures (Dad) and lots of rambling/complaining ahead. 

Oh where to begin...what a crazy couple of days it has been. 

So crazy in fact that this is the first moment I have been able to sit down and open up this blog and even have a remote desire to write. 

I have been thrown back into the vortex. 

The mother ship has taken me back. 



Sunday  - Thursday.

Boo ya. Bam. 

Like I said...out of the frying pan and into the fire. 

Commuting, making lunches, setting up and maintaing child care (pick up drop off too!) setting wake-up alarms, remembering computer passwords, finding keys, fobs, papers, faces and names as well as old ones. 

I am sure I am missing a million things. Or at least it feels like I am. 

I wasn't planning on going back. I was planning on taking a Vacation payout and saying goodbye to my working life in the field of Mental Health and Addictions and moving onward and upward to greener pastures. 

Staying home with the kids and looking for part-time work.

At least that is what I thought. Apparently the universe had other plans. Instead I am back at it Until June 5th. 8 Weeks. That is the time I have been given to transition into new employment. 

I was deleted you see. 

Let go. 


Ya, displaced.  That is the nice term for it. 

So I go back to work for 60 days to remain on the "it list" and maintain my priority posting in case something comes up 

Wa wa wa...I know poor me. Working Moms everywhere are shaking their heads in disappointed in my poor me attitude as they do it ALL....EVERY DAY. I commend you. I applaud you. is hard work. Especially when you have been out of it for a year and are thrown in. Once the routine is down...things should start getting easier right? 

Mr. Man has now become Mr.Mom. 

He likes it. Equal parenting. 

Fear not, he has it hard to. Adjusting to the new routine. 

I would like to report that I can home to a spotless kitchen, both kids in bed, and homemade leftovers in the fridge. He makes it look seamless. Easy. I know it is tough though. 

He also has to fall into a new routine. 

I am looking on the bright side (it is what I do now try to do in situations like these) and am going to look at it as an opportunity to explore options, network, roll with it, apply to postings and of course...get paid. 

That is all I am going to say about that.

That and that my employer is being very supportive and flexible during this time (no...really they are) and if I had not had a whole year to process that this was coming, I may be in a totally different place. But I am okay. Everything will work itself out. Always does.

So...sorry for the lack of posts, all the words and lack of pictures and mostly for my stinky attitude. I am trying to "get over it" and "move on"...

Speaking of moving on...

On day 1 of Jillian Michelle's Shred. Woopty Doo. Been there before. Did 4 days..have to beat my record. 

Can I do it? Can I make it? 

We will see. I am inspired to finish this time. Lets see if I can do it for 5 days least. 

Night all...I will try to maintain my posts...cant promice. So in the on some links on the left. Great reads and PLEASE..if you have any BLOG lovin to share...Do!




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